Dr. Hannes H. Gissurarson, Professor Emeritus of Politics at the University of Iceland and Academic Director of RNH, presented his recent book, Conservative Liberalism, North and South: Grundtvig, Einaudi and their Relevance Today, 18 March 2025 at a meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society in Mexico City 16–19 March. He pointed out that the Danish poet and pastor N. F. S. Grundtvig, probably his country’s most influential thinker ever, filled a gap in classical liberal theory: he proposed a national liberalism, with due respect for spontaneous organisations, companies, societies, congregations, clubs, collectives and other civil associations, and most importantly the nation, giving people a sense of belonging, enlarging their selves. In this, to some extent, and undoubtedly unconsciously, he followed in the footsteps of Edmund Burke, Benjamin Constant, and Alexis de Tocqueville, whose main explanation of the failure of the French Revolution was that France had lacked these intermediate institutions, these ‘little platoons’, between the individual and the state, which served both to train people in social adaptation and to constrain the power of the state.
A special Nordic or Grundtvigian model in international relations could be discerned, Gissurarson submitted. 1) Right of secession, used by Norway in 1905, Finland in 1917, and Iceland in 1918. 2) Border changes by plebiscites, as in Schleswig in 1920. 3) Autonomy of national enclaves, such as the Aaland Islands, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Sami regionals in the Scandinavian far north. 4) Arbitration of conflicts by international bodies, as between Sweden and Finland over the Aaland Islands in 1921, and between Denmark and Norway over Eastern Greenland in 1933. 5) Cooperation and integration with a minimal surrender of sovereignty in the Nordic Council and by negotiations, including the abolition of passports within the Nordic countries, reciprocal legal and social rights and duties in the Nordic countries, and a common labour market.
Gissurarson compared the national liberal Grundtvig with the Italian liberal federalist Luigi Einaudi, a distinguished economist and President of Italy in 1948–1955. Einaudi had become convinced by the two world wars that the only way in Europe to protect free trade, limited government, and private property—the three pillars of a free society—was to found a European federation. Gissurarson submitted that the European Union had not turned out in the way Einaudi envisaged. The economic integration of Europe was a success, but the political integration which started after that, in the early 1990s, threatened not only the nation state but also individual liberties. Europe should be an open market, and not a closed state. Gissurarson mentioned some possible reformes of the European Union in the spritit of Einaudi’s liberalism: 1) to transfer legislative power from the unelected, non-transparent and unaccountable European Commission to the European Parliament; 2) to divide the European Parliament into two chambers, in Brussels and Strasbourg, where one would replace the European Council and represent the European states and the other one would be elected by popular vote; 3) to turn the European Commission into a normal civil service; 4) to split up the Court of Justice of the European Union into two courts, one with the sole role of deciding on the competence of member states and the union guided by the Subsidiarity Principle and the other one an appelate court similar to the present CJEU; 5) to change the selection process of the CJEU to ensure that euro-enthusiasts would not dominate the court, but rather experienced judges who decided according to the law, but not according to an agenda of centralisation.
A lively discussion followed Gissurarson’s presentation. The audience was particularly interested in the Nordic tradition of liberty under the law which could be traced all the way back to the Germanic tribes described by Roman chronicler Tacitus two thousand years ago. Gissurarson pointed out that it would be an anachronism to call Icelandic chronicler Snorri Sturluson a liberal, but that nevertheless many liberal ideas were found in his works: government by consent, the right of rebellion, respect for private property, and the advantages of trade. At the Mont Pelerin Society meeting, Gissurarson also intervened in a discussion after a lecture by Professor Eduardo Nolla about the concept of America where it was mentioned that the Icelanders had discovered America almost 500 years before Columbus. As Gissurarson recalled, Oscar Wilde had quipped that the Icelanders had discovered America but that they had the good sense to lose it again. Gissurarson also reminded the audience of German philosopher Lichtenberg’s comment: The American who first discovered Columbus, made a bad discovery. These witticisms did not however change the fact, Gissurarson added, that America and Europe should unite in the protection of liberty under the law.
The Mont Pelerin Society conference was ably organised by Bertha Pantoja and Roberto Salinas. The speakers included Lebanese-American writer Nassim Taleb, Peruvian lawyer Enrique Ghersi, Lord Hannan of Highclere, and Professors Thomas Hazlett, Randall Holcombe, Deirdre McCloskey and George Selgin.